- @참고: https://www.delftstack.com/howto/batch/batch-file-wait-for-command-to-finish/


1. Use /WAIT to Wait for a Command to Finish Execution

/B : use to stay in the same process without creating a new window.

cmd /k : used to prevent the command prompt from exiting after execution.

@echo off
echo starting first program
START /B /WAIT cmd /c "C:\Users|Aastha Gas Harda\Desktop\testfile1.bat" > output.txt
echo The first program is executed successfully.
START /B systeminfo >> output.txt
echo ALL the programs are executed successfully
cmd /k


2. Use the TIMEOUT Command to Delay the Execution

time -1 : it wil act as a puase command to wait until a key is pressed.

/nobreak : to prevent user keystrokes.

- syntax

TIMEOUT /t <time (sec)>
@echo off
echo starting first program
START /B JRuler.exe
echo The first program is executed successfully.
START /B systeminfo >> output.txt
echo All the programs are executed successfully.
cmd /k


3. Use the PAUSE Command to Pause the Execution

puase the execution of a batch file until a key is pressed.

@echo off
echo starting first program
START /B cmd /c "C:\Users\Aastha Gas Harda\Desktop\testfile1.bat" > output.txt
echo The first program is executed successfully.
START /B systeminfo >> output.txt
echo All the programs are executed successfully
cmd /k

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[Gradle] compile vs implementation  (0) 2022.03.14
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